I have noticed something time and time again. Sometimes when so tired from being in an office all day and almost talking myself out of going to class I actually have the most amazing class and to top it all I am no longer tired afterwards! Why is that?
Well yoga actually gives you energy instead of depleting you of it as it works from the inside out not the outside in. The body actually has so much energy available that we are not even aware of and it is just waiting to be released. You could look at the postures as a way to free up that energy. As you allow the body to move and be held in certain positions “trapped energy” will be released and start to flow more. After regular practice you may notice how life “flows” more when practicing yoga than when you don’t as the body is intrinsicly linked to all areas of your life.
By the way, you may wish to look at inflexibility as energy that has got stuck – once you move that body part a few times, blocked energy frees up and the body “becomes more flexible”.
When you’re tired you may just not “try so hard” but instead let go and allow the body to open up, allow energy to flow which will automatically bring more ease to the body. For a long time I used to “fear” some postures as I found they hurt but after studying energy and many other modalities over the years I realise now that I was not willing to just let go – I was trying to control it so I would “get it right”. So for me when I am tired I let go so much easier, I stop trying so hard and hey presto I have a great class and uncannily feel much stronger and have oodles of energy after class as an added bonus!
You may like to give it a go when you find yourself battling the excuse of being too tired to go to class. You could be pleasantly surprised at the result!
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